Friday, November 25, 2011

Trail skating

Fun fact: I'm really embarrassed by how awful I still am at skating. I hate that I put so much work into learning how to skate and still am so much slower than everyone else, even people who started out after I did. As a result, I've not skated at all for the past month because every time I even strap on skates, my confidence takes a beating. It's hard to go from being awesome at most things I try to being absolute crap.

However, my best friend convinced me to go trail skating yesterday for the first time and it was the best thing she could have done for me.

Yes, I fell (maaaaany times.)

Yes, my shitty ankle hurt like a son of a bitch.

Yes, I had a very embarrassing fall that resulted in a shredded knee sock and a very painful asphalt-filled scrape.


But this skate session was exactly what I needed to get my head out of my ass. I could only do *one mile* before I chickened out. I should have at least tried for two. Next time, I'll do two. My stability is much lower than it was before, proving that it's time for this skate break to be over. So here I am, spending Black Friday doing chores and working on my paper, all while skating around the house.

Recruitment round two: 1 month, 8 days.

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