Sunday, August 7, 2011

Part of me wants to be really down on myself right now. We were doing pace lines with some of the Psycho Sisters at practice on Saturday and I just couldn't keep up. Even worse? I was the *only* one who couldn't keep up. I'm the only one who can't get the speed necessary to do the freaking exercise! I could cry. What's getting me through it though?

A month ago, I could barely move on my skates. Sure, I couldn't keep up. But I wasn't all that far behind them! I'll get the speed. It's just going to take some additional practice. We tried to go trail skating in my neighborhood today only to discover - surprise! - trail skating requires decent sidewalks (aka trail skating can't happen in a cheap apartment complex.) We're going to try again next week with Shae at one of the parks in the area.

Fun fact about me: I'm a total Ravenclaw. I'm always up in my head, and it's no different with derby. Even the most basic of exercises (like practicing t-stops) never goes well because I overthink it. I can t-stop. I can! Really! But in front of people, if I feel like they're watching me or waiting for me to do it, I can't. It's terrible. We had the first part of our minimum skills test the other day and, even though we haven't heard results yet, I feel like I was a complete failure. I can't even do a proper stride when I'm being judged. Right now, I feel like I'll be lucky if I make it on a team by December. I also find that I don't like to experiment as much with things I can do on my skates when other people are around watching. I might try to take some more time this week to go to Barber Park while my schedule allows it. If I can get up there sometime when we have the facilities pretty much to ourselves, I want to start playing more on my skates. At least when I bust my ass then, my failure will be private.

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