Monday, June 20, 2011


It was a little quiet today, so I've spent part of my day in between projects going through derby blogs for information. A lot of it is the same information I've received at other sites. What made it all so interesting was hearing the different emotions and stories behind all of it. There were girls who have been injured, women who never made the team, coaches, refs, fresh meat, veterans, lifelong fans... It's all pretty amazing. Derby has such a long history; it feels weird to think I might be a part of that. Not that I actually think I'll be a big part of it, but the sport is well-documented thanks to the power of the Internet, and now I'm adding my voice as potential fresh meat.

I've been talking with a couple of my friends off and on about derby stuff, getting ready for recruitment night in just a few weeks. Two of us are going to recruitment night in two weeks, the other is going to the next recruitment for her local team an hour away from us (date TBD, so we'll get to see her getting all nervous whenever that happens.) The nerves are giving us a little extra energy, so we're starting some conditioning work to try to prepare. Will we be ready in two weeks? Fuck, no. But we'll be more prepared than we were in the beginning. My afterhours time at home is peppered with random squats, lunges, toe stop walks and attempts to glide across my kitchen on one foot.
Roxy Horror mentioned that we should set goals. This week, I'll be setting goals and thinking of ways I can make them happen. Once I make my list, I'll post them here so I can be held accountable for them. I'll probably end up posting the WFTDA skills list as well. While we're not really held to them in OSDA, they all seem like skills I need anyways.

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