Tuesday, July 19, 2011

"Without continual growth and progress, such words as improvement, achievement, and success have no meaning." Ben Franklin

I'm frustrated with my current progress in skating. And by "progress", I mean, "lack of it." There are so many little things that I've been practicing for awhile that I'm just not getting a hang of. One leg glides are one of the big ones. I can't seem to manage control enough to stay up on one leg. I don't know why. I can stand on one leg for a freakishly long time when I'm not on skates.

In fact, I think that's one of the most frustrating things for me. While I wouldn't call myself particularly talented when it comes to sports, I've also never had that hard of a time with them. My endurance has always been complete shit, but I used to be amazingly quick at sprints. I can catch a line drive, intercept a pass in football, bowl a decent game, get some decent hits in during tennis matches, but I can't lift my fucking leg while roller skating. I feel like there's some big secret to doing it that's just completely eluding me.

I'm starting to get a little self-conscious about how horrible of a skater I am. We keep doing all of these exercises as a group and most of the other girls just fly through it with no problem. On the other hand, my arms are flailing everywhere as I try to regain balance after jumps (usually failing. My ass always hits the ground on jumps.) I started out Sunday making an attempt to do jumps over pool noodles but midway through I gave up and started just stepping over them. Why? Not because I was afraid of falling. I'll never learn if I don't try and fail. I just felt bad because the other girls behind me kept having to go around me. It's one thing if I suck and go slow. I don't want to be that person that pulls anyone else down with me.

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